Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day and Night

People I creeped on randomly. I really hope they don't mind.

Sometimes I don't know why I want to take a picture of someone. Usually it's the outfit: I see it, and something about it "pops" to me. But sometimes that feeling isn't as sharp; it's just the vague idea that something about the way someone looks or is dressed appeals to me. I can't put a finger on it and tell you, "this is what I like about this outfit." I can just say, hey, look at this, and see if you like it too. Also, I badly needed more guys' photos on this blog.

However, for a modicum of clarity, I'll try to talk about these pictures a bit. In the first, I love his posture and the way the colors sort of shift from white-dominant in the upper-left corner (the stands and the shirt) to blue in the right (the stands and the bike). It helps that the shadow follows that gradient as well. I also liked the scruffy-looking, faded red shoes and the aviators... the whole mini-scene just had a certain vibe to it.

In the second, I just think, "baggy." Now, baggy is horrendous in excess (just think about how the Olsen twins usually look like they're wearing garbage bags). Sometimes, though, baggy works - usually on people who have no intention of trying to make it work. The baggy on this guy follows a very linear motion, from the bag to the jeans to the rainboots. His slight slouch emphasizes it perfectly. And while "baggy" isn't much of a fashion notion to go by, it's one idea (out of many) that we should consider when thinking about style.

~ The Style Phile


  1. Omg Shreya! This blog is beyond fantastic! I'm going to tell everyone I know that I knew you in HS when you become the next Sartorialist.

  2. I think we need more of this at Princeton... the first thing I noticed here when I first stepped onto campus was the lack of fashion sense. It's not that people dress poorly, here overall, it's just that for the most part they don't know how to dress well. Bring sartorial sense to campus!
